Centralized Red Cell Alloantibody Registry

Publication Date: 4 February 2025
Continuing Education Units: Hours: 0.5

Lecture Description:

In this lecture, Dr. Jed Gorlin shares insights regarding the establishment of an alloantibody registry at the Community Blood Center of Kansas City. He will discuss how this registry has been a direct benefit to patients. Dr. Gorlin concludes his lecture by outlining the importance and challenges of establishing a national registry.

Lecture Objectives:

• Describe the Community Blood Center of Kansas City’s (CBCKC) Antibody Registry and how it has benefited patients 
• Discuss efforts to establish a national automated antibody registry and the challenges for implementation
  • Run Time: 18 minutes

Lecture Instructor Bio(s)

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Jed Gorlin, MD, MBA

Vice President of Medical and Quality Affairs, Medical Director 
Memorial Blood Centers of Minnesota 
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Dr. Gorlin has authored over 60 journal articles and a dozen chapters in various blood banking texts has provided expert consultation to AABB, CDC, and NIH for blood collection capacity building projects in Africa and Central Asia. He is the 2019 recipient of the John Elliott Memorial Award and 2022 recipient of President’s award from the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). Dr. Gorlin has served on the board of AABB and the National Blood Foundation, acted as the AABB liaison to several professional medical associations for obstetric hemorrhage, and served as the America's Blood Centers liaison to AABB Transfusion Transmitted Diseases committee. He holds a bachelor's degree from Stanford University, master's degree in business administration from the University of Minnesota, and a medical degree from Yale University and trained in pediatrics and pediatric hematology/oncology at Boston Children's Hospital.

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