The Use of Quality Control Data to Estimate Uncertainty of Measurement
Publication Date: 4 February 2025
Continuing Education Units: Hours: 0.5
Lecture Description:
In this lecture, Mr. Dimech will discuss the uncertainty of measurement in medical testing. He will review the current standards and approaches to estimating the uncertainty of measurement. Mr. Dimech will conclude by sharing the NRL approach to estimating the uncertainty of measurement.
Lecture Objectives:
• Uncertainty of measurement (MU) in medical testing
• Standards • Approaches to estimating MU
• NRL approach to estimating MU
• Demonstration of EDCNet™ Software MU Functionality
Run Time: 40:12 minutes
Lecture Instructor Bio(s)
Wayne Dimech
Executive Manager, Scientific and Business Relations @NRL
Wayne Dimech is Executive Manager, Scientific and Business Relation of the NRL, a WHO Collaborating Centre. Mr Dimech obtained a B.App. Sci; an MBA and is a Fellowship at the Australian Institute of Medical Scientists and the Faculty of Science (Research) of the Royal College of Pathologists Australasia. He has worked in private and public pathology laboratories and specialised in infectious disease serology. Mr Dimech’s research interests include the control and standardisation of assays that detect and monitor infectious diseases. Mr Dimech is an advisor for numerous national and international working groups, including European Commission expert panels in the field of medical devices; ISO TC/212 WG5 Biorisk and BioSafety; Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) – Nucleic Acid Testing and consultancies under the auspice of WHO, International Health Regulations, and UNDP. He has authored or co-authored about 50 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and contributed to three book chapters.
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