In this lecture, Dr Penrod will present on plasma protein therapies so you better understand the process of source plasma collection, transportation considerations for plasma and an overview of the plasma fractionation process.
Lecture Objectives:
• Review the process of source plasma collection, including donors, centers, and requirements
• List transportation considerations for plasma
• Summarize the plasma fractionation process
Run Time: 43
Lecture Instructor Bio(s)
Joshua Penrod, JD, PhD
Senior Vice President of Global Plasma
Plasma Protein Therapies Association
Joshua Penrod, JD, PhD, is the Senior Vice President of Global Plasma for the PPTA. He leads initiatives on behalf of the source plasma collection industry globally and facilitates trade and market issues for the PPTA membership more broadly and has worked at PPTA since 2003. Josh’s education includes both a PhD and Juris Doctor, along with master’s degrees in business, public health, and international and environmental law. As an undergrad, he studied philosophy and history. He has also completed a course of post-doctoral studies at the Warrington School of Business at the University of Florida.
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